Dr. John La Pietra is a certified Hypnotherapist. He is the founder of “The Center for Self-Improvement, Hypnotherapy & You/Top View Seminars.”
Author's Information
Dr. John La Pietra is a certified Hypnotherapist. He is the founder of “The Center for Self-Improvement, Hypnotherapy & You/Top View Seminars.” He has written a collection of anecdotes from real life experiences entitled, “My Feelings Count.” He is also the creator of a booklet titled, “The Word” and has Authored and published the following books ,"Words That Inspire Your Soul! Acrostics With An Inspirational Message", My Feelings Count", "February Book", "Be Happy", "Strength", The Power of the Word "Workbook", "Power Ideas for your Mind", and The Joy and Love of "Pets". Dr. La Pietra has also created these one of a kind Inspirational Acrostic Messages to be beautifully designed and exquisitely framed and are also produced on 9x12 Laser Acrylic Plaques which are now available for purchase on this website.

The author sees this type of book as another resource for those individuals that have interest in and are looking for inspirational/personal growth materials. It is the type of book that will lend itself well as a gift or as a discussion starter for groups pursuing self-help books. There really is no limit to who could read and benefit from this book. Anyone interested in improving their own consciousness will benefit from reading this book. The entire kaleidoscope of young to old can enjoy the inspirational messages given in this book.

This book as far as we know, is the first of its kind. To the best of the author’s knowledge, “Words That Inspire Your Soul! Acrostics With An Inspirational Message,” As a collection, is an entirely new area of exploration in the field of Self-Improvement, personal motivation, positive thought stimulation, and the enhancement of effective use of words in an inspiring way.

The greatest feature of this book is that the author has amazingly created a one of a kind accumulation of 228 different words acrostically defined and each supported by an inspirational message. Extremely pleasant and easy to read and understand. This book provides thought provoking enjoyment. The Author now has gone beyond the original 228 Inspirational Acrostic Messages to 522 Inspirational Acrostic Messages.

The author is a professional speaker who is incredibly articulate and has the unique ability to relate to people of all walks of life. It has also been suggested that the accumulated set of acrostic words would make wonderful calendars and posters.

The author is honored to have received Mark Victor Hansen’s endorsement of his book, Words That Inspire Your Soul!® Acrostics With An Inspirational Message.

The endorsement reads:
“Words are the language of the soul. Acrostics makes one think and effectively use words in an inspiring way.”

-Mark Victor Hansen
Co-creator, #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul®
Co-author, The One Minute Millionaire

The author is also honored to have received Gil Boyne's endorsement of his book, Words that Inspire Your Soul!® Acrostics With An Inspirational Message. The full endorsement can be read in the Testimonial section of this website.